Future Of The Left Future Of The Left - Prescriptions

Come for the money
Stay for love
Or is it always the other way around?
Next year they'll be proper maoris
If wifi will allow
Next year there'll be new new designs
Something subtle

Slaves speak of freedom
Just as fish dream of flying
It's predictable
This is why

Thursday night
And the coolant wars
Have extended to cover the hours
He feels lost in a bigger city
The trains don't run as much as gallop
Find more lyrics at ※ Mojim. Com
Next year they'll be jumping fences
Next year

I've got blonde hair I'm a virgo
For the purpose of this dating site
I'm a polymorph from the continent of Antarctica
Into osteopaths
And the healing powers of pesto
I can smell you on their strong hands
As some of you may know I have been trying to conceive
And when I say I have been trying I mean failing
I'm your father - and your brother - coincidentally

Always shifting the blame with your strong hands
Always shifting the blame with your bruises